Airline issues rose across the board on continuing speculation about possible new takeover bids in the industry.
Analysts said the stock rose on speculation that the company would not be significantly affected by proposed cuts in military spending.
The shares had been rising recently on speculation about potential acquisitions or combinations.
The stock has risen in recent weeks on speculation about a possible bid.
They had risen by 25 percent since late July, largely on speculation of a takeover.
Shares of Raymond James rose more than 7 percent yesterday on speculation that it could be taken over next.
The shares, whose price has risen in recent weeks on speculation of a takeover, closed Friday at $149.75.
Shares of other finance companies also rose on speculation that there might be more acquisitions.
But Revlon's stock has risen more than 22 percent this week on speculation that a deal was imminent.
Crude oil prices rose yesterday on speculation that demand is rising.