Cash flow, the crucial indicator of health for cable companies, is expected to rise nearly 60 percent, to $625 million from the level a year earlier.
The association predicted that spending in the fourth quarter would rise from the third-quarter level.
The inclines rise from the lower level of the canal to a summit and then down a second shorter incline to the upper canal level.
Drilling activity in the gulf has risen moderately this summer from the very depressed level of the spring, but remains far below the year-ago level.
The semifamiliar smell of coffee rose from the main level.
S.U.V. sales rose 5.1 percent in August from the level of a year earlier, while the overall auto market was flat.
Without the extraordinary loss of $40.7 million, BellSouth's net would have risen 9.4 percent from the year-earlier level, to $385.6 million, or 78 cents a share.
Sales of new cars and light trucks rose by 10.6 percent in May from the level of a year before.
The house was part of a terrace, narrow and rising four stories from the level of the semi-private road running alongside Kensington High Street.
In the long run, the government faces rising interest costs from the increasing level of debt it is amassing.