The Nasdaq composite index rose 4.52 for the day, to a record 527.19.
The yield on the three-month bill rose to 5.63 percent yesterday, up 5 basis points for the day.
Silver futures prices rose for the fourth straight day to their highest level in nearly three weeks.
In the municipal bond market, where money is chasing too few new issues, prices rose for the second consecutive day.
Do not take this medication at bedtime or before rising for the day.
The national average rose on May 5, 2011 for the 44th straight day, reaching $3.98.
Bond prices rose modestly for the second consecutive day, following the lead set by the foreign exchange market.
On Thursday, there was a powerful market rebound, as the three major indexes rose by more than 2 percent for the day.
Treasury security prices rose for the second consecutive day.
Do you think he will call back before we have time to rise for the day?