Above Brăila, the river was under the control of the International Danube Commission, a body composed only of the riparian states.
As well, they demanded recognition of Lebanon as a riparian state, while excluding the Litani from the plan.
Thus Haryana is also a riparian state of Indus river basin.
New vegetation was planted to restore the landscape to its riparian state.
Egypt assumed the right to undertake Nile river related projects without the consent of upper riparian states.
Bangladesh has 57 trans-boundary rivers, making water issues politically complicated to resolve - in most cases as the lower riparian state to India.
The economic basket can be considered a success, and there have been more projects for the exchange on a cultural level and between the peoples in the riparian states.
Several riparian states have adopted this concept in managing the increasingly scarce resources of watersheds.
Concerted action is required as the non-involvement of a single riparian state may result in the whole process being blocked.
Romania has the largest section of the River Danube among all the riparian states.