His armored fist ripped straight through the creature's hide, squishing into internal organs.
His skin began to rip straight down his chest, and the med techs were running in from every direction, trying to stop him.
Suddenly, a cold wave of hackles ripped straight up his back, settling at the base of his neck.
There was a gut-wrenching tearing sound as the body ripped straight down the center, droplets of blood flying in all directions.
One hand caught in the neckline of her dress, and as Cassandra tried to twist away, it tore, ripping straight down the front.
Any lingering doubts had evaporated with the 5-iron that he ripped straight into the heart of Weston Hills' 18th green.
It suddenly ripped straight down the middle.
A flash from a revolver muzzle ripped straight for Dorth's body.
From the look of the hold, the queen had done more than just sit there: she'd tried to rip straight through the walls with her claws.
Throughout, he wrote hundreds of songs, many of them ripped straight from the daily news.