The riots had swept the country during January, and continued throughout February, resulting in dozens of deaths.
In response to these decisions, mushrooming riots swept across Beirut resulting in heavy clashes between Hezbollah and the majority, afterwards Hezbollah militants invaded and took control of western Beirut.
As we saw in East New York and would again and again in those years when riots swept our nation's cities, very few ministers, city councilmen or businessmen could help at all.
At least five people were reported killed Tuesday as riots swept the southern Yugoslav province of Kosovo, and Belgrade television said the situation was approaching civil war.
The attack came on what is regarded as the 18th anniversary of the civil war that has wracked this country since July 24, 1983, when anti-Tamil riots swept Colombo, the capital of this majority Sinhalese nation.
Massive riots swept a number of cities still held by the Light and the "re-emergence of the peace faction" is mentioned, apparently a group demanding negotiations with the Forsaken.
A few days after Mr Hani's murder, while riots swept the country, he and four comrades met secretly to form a 'Committee of Generals' whose aim would be to resist majority rule.
More than three months after huge riots swept the city, the back lanes of Glodok, Jakarta's Chinatown, are still strewn with ash and bricks and bits of broken glass.
After anti-Tamil riots swept Colombo in 1983 and Sinhalese mobs killed hundreds of Tamils, there was an exodus of Tamils from the country.
Ever since anti-Chinese riots swept through the Tibetan Plateau in March 2008, the ethnically Tibetan areas of China have been on a knife-edge, activists groups report.