A later scene features Curtis and the Dreams recording in the studio, while a riot rages outside.
On the other hand, even as the 60's riots raged in the streets, those were among his most popular films.
The riots raged for three days until more than 13,600 federal troops stopped the violence.
In 1450, after years of famine, riots raged in the streets of Milan and the city's senate decided to entrust to him the duchy.
Within two hours a tremendous riot was raging through the streets around the Warm Gates quarter.
For four years after 1839 the riots raged.
Meanwhile, disturbances and riots raged all over Lebanon.
In the final act of the play, the Raineys are trapped in their house as the riot rages outside.
A student is holed up in the library while a riot rages outside.
Third, Moscow did not send troops until the riots raged for three days.