All that she saw were the patrons who thronged the ringside tables and Cranston wasn't among them.
Other partisans of Ruddock's climbed over ringside tables, scrambling through the ropes.
Liakhovich landed on a ringside table, and the referee stopped the bout.
Zbyszko took advantage and smashed Windham's face on a ringside table.
Tickets were $250 for the concert, $1,000 with dinner included and $15,000 for a ringside table for 10.
He took one pack, pulled the cards out, handed them to a pretty girl at a ringside table.
The doctor made a gesture understood by headwaiters throughout history, the rope was dropped, and they were conducted in royal progress to a ringside table.
The guy who reserved a ringside table every night in the week so he could watch Dawn with those heavy-lidded eyes of his.
Expect no surprises, but the venue and views are worth a ringside table.
He was pleased when he and Clyde were shown to a ringside table.