Then another scream pierced Sharpe's ringing ears.
She heard Elsevier's voice break; the words barely penetrated her ringing ears.
Before her head cleared she was aware of a rough voice near her ringing ear and hot breath on her cheek.
It seemed forever before blurred vision started to return, along with jumbled sounds that filled his ringing ears.
The sounds of moaning and screaming dimly filtered through the Executioner's ringing ears.
Eviane cursed and covered her ringing ears with her hands, then dropped them; she'd need her hands for fighting.
The ringing ear: Black poets lean south.
And then a small, expensive electric-lock click that miraculously cleared his ringing ears.
Kenny pulls the plug, rubbing his ringing ears.
Miles's ringing ears heard screaming, thumping, yelling, running, chaos.