You have a bell that rings downstairs, yeah?
My wife was upstairs changing Heather, and Penny was asleep on the landing, when the phone rang downstairs.
When the bell rang downstairs he assumed it was one of the porters, come to make arrangements to take the larger trunks away.
The sweet chime of the entry bell rang downstairs, and she gestured slightly to indicate it.
Just as the steps came to a halt on the other side of the door, the doorbell downstairs rang.
Fortunately, the doorbell rang downstairs, bringing that stage of the affair to an end.
The telephone was ringing in the hall downstairs.
As Leslie raised her face into a shower so fierce it drove away all thoughts, the phone rang downstairs.
"When you picked it up," he would say later, "it rang downstairs."
He heard the telephone start to ring downstairs, and then the answering machine cut in.