As he was introduced, he spit on the ring apron.
Standing at the edge of the ring apron, he looked from Foley to Buddy and back again, pretty serious about it.
All other members of the team wait outside the ropes (on the ring apron or the floor) in the team's specified corner.
Edge speared Angle, who was standing on the ring apron.
Now it was my sweat spraying over the ring apron.
He pulled King from the ring apron, tearing the other man's sports jacket and precipitating an incident that required security men to stop.
He laid it in the ring face down and returned to his spot on the ring apron.
Michelle turned around and was knocked off the ring apron by Ashley, making the second elimination of the match.
Near the end an unknown woman entered the arena and stood on the ring apron to distract Williams.
He can jump up more than 40 inches from a standing start onto the ring apron.