These are merely speculative estimates that have yet to be subjected to the kind of rigorous scrutiny needed to form national policy.
Four crews entered but only 2 made it through rigorous scrutiny to the Start line.
Her conduct, after the most rigorous scrutiny, still remained an impenetrable secret.
The special effects are strictly bargain basement, and the details of the story do not stand up to rigorous scrutiny.
We feel it's time to open up this whole issue to rigorous scrutiny.
Administration officials said no arrests had been made in connection with any of the more than a dozen international flights subjected to rigorous scrutiny.
It is important to ensure that our means and ends can withstand the most rigorous scrutiny.
The Commission has political responsibility and we will subject the budgetary control process to rigorous scrutiny.
This is the first time it has subjected a genetically engineered plant to such rigorous scrutiny.
Following that conversation, he asked the Conservator to carry out a more rigorous scrutiny.