In recent years, Borcherds has been attempting to construct quantum field theory in a mathematically rigorous manner.
Such cases require management of schedule, risk, and cost in a more rigorous and measured manner than firms have practiced in the past.
The book shows that "empirically minded humanists can measure character strengths and virtues in a rigorous scientific manner."
Perfect Developer (PD) is a tool for developing computer programs in a rigorous manner.
To wash the entire body in a rigorous manner.
So, a well-taught course - whether in geology, biology or physics - can train a mind to think in a rigorous, scientific manner.
Of course, the importation of these films was done in a very rigorous manner with regard to themes.
The question of the attempts by churches and governments to control people's private pleasures is raised but never explored in a rigorous manner.
However, a Kalman filter does this in a much more formal and rigorous manner.
This is how Parliament must always act, in a very rigorous manner.