Despite the rigorous demands of medical school, Sisamouth still managed to find time to learn how to sing and compose songs.
However, the rigorous demands of the touring and difficult musicianship had their toll on some of the members.
Or whether the rigorous demands of basketball will make it happen again.
Overwhelmed by the rigorous physical demands of the role, she broke down at the dress rehearsal.
The segments filmed in China focus on the rigorous demands of the dance school.
A socket must survive the rigorous demands of a production floor, so they are usually replaced frequently.
We may, perhaps, make more rigorous ethical demands upon you.
Honors courses are also more rigorous and place higher demands on students.
He also had to adjust to the more rigorous demands of college tennis.
People here understand its rigorous demands, so different from the easy, voluptuous ways of the world's other famous coasts.