With regard to content, the sequence can concentrate on various cooking activities, mostly in close-up and without the need for rigorous attention to continuity.
He is known for the power of his striking, and the strength of his physical play, contributed to by rigorous attention to fitness.
The local railroads check more often, but they do not always seem to pay rigorous attention to the engineers with multiple violations.
The sign convention can be established by rigorous attention to coordinate systems.
Hooton was known for combining a rigorous attention to scholarly detail combined with a candid and witty personal style.
"If the state needs more revenue, I would support more rigorous attention to trucks that are not obeying the law."
But it would require careful war-gaming and rigorous attention to the kind of crisis-driven need so common to New York.
Technical development, intensive development, research and rigorous attention to every detail were what paid off.
"Such a decision should not have been taken without the appropriate degree of rigorous attention to equality needs."
His call for rigorous attention to spelling and grammar received little attention.