She shook her head, her mouth set rigidly in a stone grimace.
There were hard metals here, rigidly set against the elements.
The chin was strong, the jaw square-cut and rigidly set.
In our species rigidly set behavioural patterns for social or sexual behaviour do not exist.
Barnes's face was rigidly set, his jaw tight, listening to the screams.
Again, the thickness of a washer is not rigidly set, although the intervening spaces typically don't exceed 2 to 3 millimeters.
He was pale and composed at first, his features rigidly set.
What really belongs to the past is the age of rigidly set rules.
His features were set rigidly in a mask of unadulterated terror as he sped downward alongside the house.
He stared across the kitchen, his jaw rigidly set.