The bull rolled on to his back with all four legs extended rigidly, and he plunged below the waters of the lagoon, bearing Lostris and Tanus with him into the depths.
Great and small, they floated motionless, their rays extending rigidly and as still as the orb that shed them.
His hand extended rigidly in the direction of Baley.
Instead, he pushed back his chair, got to his feet, and came resolutely around the side of his desk, his right hand rigidly extended.
Now there was a taut, hard quality in his movement, accentuated by his hands-which were encased in skintight black gloves, fingers extended and rigidly curved.
He will lead the resident catatonic to the hospital cafeteria, place him just outside the door, and leave him there with his thumb to his nose or his middle finger rigidly extended.
Maria often spent hours in ecstatic trances--unmoving, her arms and legs rigidly extended, dissolving herself in the arms of the Deity.
Malleville whistled sharply, aimed a hand in the direction of the porch, four fingers rigidly extended, and a quartet of his gunmen left the jogging column, mounting stairs to penetrate the house.
As the man blinked in the moonlight, Charles Whitehall rigidly extended three fingers on each hand and completed the assault with enormous speed and control.
Caesar looked down at himself in amazement, then toppled out of the chair to lie with back arched, arms and legs rigidly extended.