Why, while they are made parties to the condemned sermon, are they rigidly excluded from the improving postscript of the gallows?
Anything not calculated to appeal to the home had been rigidly excluded.
At this time, the crew was rigidly excluded, though all the scientific personnel were present.
The positronic paths impressed upon them were calculated in advance, and all possible permutations that might lead to anger or hate were rigidly excluded.
Among the orthodox Christians, the catechumens were rigidly excluded from assisting at the propitiatory sacrifice of the Eucharist (Mass of the faithful).
For security reasons, non-Kenyan Somalis were still rigidly excluded.
Although women are allocated such tasks as sowing, with all its association with fertility, they are rigidly excluded from ploughing.
Under this arrangement the council would grant the students access to beer and light wines in regulated quantities, but spirits were rigidly excluded.
I understood he had nothing but male nurses and that female visitors had been rigidly excluded.
In the U.K. in the 1800s, women were rigidly excluded from the professions and education.