He was unsuccessful as a missionary, perhaps because of his rigid morality, and in 1880 was instead appointed pastor of the Breadfruit Church in Lagos.
He had conducted his life like that in those days, with a rigid adolescent morality, rules, abrupt changes of direction.
And much as he laughed at the axeman's rigid morality, he secretly admired the strength that gave birth to it.
Within a year, the 'court of King Antor had become remarkably free of coruption as Sparhawk imposed his own rigid morality upon those around him.
In many ways the opposite of rigid Confucian morality, Taoism was for many of its adherents a complement to their ordered daily lives.
The rigid morality that doomed Gary Hart has given way to the maturity and depth of perspective which leads to forgiveness of Bill Clinton.
But Elizabeth's rigid morality alarmed him, and he did not say so.
Although a Yorkshireman to his fingertips, he was in full flight from everything that he found oppressive about England: the class distinctions, the rigid sexual morality, the weather.
Tess can also be viewed as the symbol of valiant challenge against both the rigid morality and religious dogma of the old order, and the skepticism of the modern world.
I could not let them be killed because of a rigid morality on my part.