Her eyes aching with unshed tears, she turned her face to his and hesitantly laid her trembling fingers against his rigid jaw.
Judging by his fiercely clenched teeth beneath the rigid golden jaw, he was ready to erupt.
Now the mouth.... It was rigid, immovable jaws that refused to budge.
She dared to glance in Deslucido's direction, to see his face darken, jaw rigid, the hard light of fury in his eyes when he looked at her.
Ms. Henderson gripped his arm, her jaw rigid, and resolutely continued walking.
His rigid jaw, taut cheeks, and narrowed, pained eyes grabbed at Maddie's heart and tugged.
And none of the croupiers were looking; his own dealer had a clamped and rigid jaw, but he was staring firmly at the cards.
Bob slipped sideways from the chair, the pipe still held tightly between his rigid jaws.
Stevanus gasped, rolling Paulin onto his side and prying the rigid jaws apart.
Sandy Woodrow took it like a bullet, jaw rigid, chest out, smack through his divided English heart.