Most models use a rigid geometry matching the known geometry of the water molecule.
The artists use their rigid geometry, worked with skillful precision, as a language for interpreting the vagaries of nature.
On this scale it seemed absolutely straight, the only rigid geometry in a maelstrom of dark storms and rushing energies.
The meandering canal, which was obviously added as an afterthought, is a weak attempt to soften the design's rigid geometries.
Moorish gardens usually have a rigid geometry centered on a water source, like a well or fountain.
What Ledoux did was to impose a rigid geometry on the overall design.
The French love straight lines, rigid geometry, every plant in its place.
Even as it embraced nature, Wright's design also expresses his take on modernist architecture's rigid geometry.
Architectural gestures can provide welcome relief, visually as well as physically, from rigid geometry.
With its rigid geometry, it is indeed a striking object, and would stand as a handsome piece of sculpture in any room.