Mr. Ogi was at odds with the rightward turn of his Swiss People's Party, which did well in last year's elections on an anti-refugee platform.
In the latter half of 1920, the party took a rightward turn ideologically.
The party's rightward turn came at the same time that the Reform Party of Canada replaced the federal Tories as the dominant party in Alberta's federal politics.
Mr. Clinton paid a fearful political price for his rightward turn.
He also picked up support of social conservatives including the Georgia Christian Coalition, in part due to his rightward turn on social issues since 1990 (see below).
The proposed phrase reflects the theologically rightward turn by the denomination, historically a conservative body in which few women have been hired as pastors.
The only indication of a rightward turn in the paper's policies was the endorsement last year of Gov. Pete Wilson, the Republican gubernatorial candidate.
His half-roll, then, gave him a few seconds to spare before broadsiding the rightward turn also.
Long had The Shadow practiced a reversal of the general procedure, until his rightward turns had become instinctive.
This was the beginning of a sharp rightward turn in the organization.