Audio and moving image materials in the collections of the Library of Congress can be reproduced only when all rights restrictions have been cleared.
Unfortunately certain programming is subject to rights restrictions.
Due to rights restrictions, coverage of some events (in particular live sport) is not available on-line or is restricted to UK addresses.
(However, not all programming will be shown due to rights restrictions.)
This is a rights restriction placed upon us by sports governing bodies.
This is currently a very limited offer due to rights restrictions, but it's growing steadily.
Occasionally there will be videos from these sections which aren't available, usually due to rights restrictions.
However, because of rights restrictions, coverage of some events (especially live sporting events) is not available online.
But the human rights restrictions behind this exercise remain clear, and are unlikely to change any time soon.
Like its European counterpart, it could not broadcast United States-produced primetime shows due to rights restrictions.