Finland has one of the most overt linguistic rights frameworks.
FGM prosecutions should therefore be addressed within an overall framework of violence against women and an overall human rights framework.
Moreover, the Center is expanding into considerations of the application of macroeconomic policies and the relationship between women and development within a human rights framework.
The idea of an institutionalized regional human rights framework is ongoing, with an objective to establish an ombudsman and security structures that goes beyond the Pacific Islands Forum.
The international human rights framework applies to everyone by virtue of their common humanity.
ICAH believes reproductive justice is an integral part of a broader human rights framework.
The Right to Water Initiative uses a human rights framework to examine global inequalities in access to clean water and sanitation.
Thus, a human rights framework calls for changes that go beyond quality of care to include both legal and services reforms.
The reproductive rights framework emphasizes the protection of an individual woman's legal right to reproductive health services, focusing on increasing access to contraception and keeping abortion legal.
The UK has contributed so much to the development of the international human rights framework, particularly the European convention itself.