There are no human rights considerations or environmental safeguards in either place.
On August 22, 2000 President Clinton signed a presidential waiver excluding all but one of the human rights considerations for funding for Plan Colombia.
The books focus more on politics, with budget issues and human rights considerations playing a large role.
(Some images display only as thumbnails outside the Library of Congress because of rights considerations, but you have access to larger size images on site.)
After all, what does it mean to be a realist when there is no Soviet threat to override human rights considerations?
Quite rightly, he raises the issue of the safe-country concept being based on human rights considerations, not on diplomatic links.
Human rights considerations are involved here at several levels.
I can assure honourable Members that human rights considerations will play an important part in any future negotiations.
The Commissioner should particularly read Ruggie's strong criticism of governmental failures to respect human rights considerations as the Commission develops its new competence on investment.
Thus, the code would increase government accountability in this field and insure that regional security and human rights considerations are assessed alongside short-term economic benefits.