There were nods of several heads, and I felt rightly or wrongly that everyone was looking to me.
Veterans of the Korean War - 5.7 million served - rightly feel neglected.
Kurds would rightly feel that they were denied their day in court for the Anfal campaign.
They may rightly feel that it is all really rather appalling.
Now a man could, if he felt rightly in the matter, run after his hat with the manliest ardour and the most sacred joy.
But some states may rightly feel that they would be inviting chaos if they rushed to comply.
The singer clearly and rightly felt that her music was happening enough.
Copyright piracy is an issue American business rightly feels strongly about, to the point of being willing to risk a trade war.
Chuck and Hank rightly felt it could stand alongside the best rap records of the time.
This is clearly the dual challenge ahead, and Iraqis rightly feel they are in the best position to run their country.