This is a shame, particularly with a secretary general as professional and rightly admired as Kofi Annan.
Among Mr. Martins's ballets, a number of recent works to Baroque music show off the quality that audiences rightly admire - his inventiveness in the neo-classical style.
Ms. Wagner rightly admires, but does no special pleading for, Krasner's work.
Its title might have been "Government Helping, Not Hurting" and it would propose a new public policy, one by which government could be enlisted in support of those small personal initiatives that Ms. Gratz rightly admires.
BUT the most amazing thing about Springsteen's later career - and Mr. Marsh sees this and rightly admires him for it - is his ability to maintain his identity and to keep his extraordinary communication with the audience.
At the center of this story are the indomitable Vietnamese people, whom Mr. Lamb rightly admires for their cheerful perseverance.
Somewhat like the French scholar of the Arab world Jacques Berque (whom he rightly admires), Mr. Hourani has a good eye for the kind of seemingly prosaic detail that indicates major social trends.
Siegel rightly admires Tharp for all this, and writes especially clearly about her early dances.
Richardson's willingness to be plain-spoken - a trait Senior rightly admires - hardly qualifies.