Anything that splits the right-wing vote is a winner.
In the Republican primaries, the populist right-wing vote isn't the fringe: it is the main battleground on which the nomination will be decided.
Mr. Möllemann's comments, seen as an effort to win right-wing votes, were judged by many to be anti-Semitic.
If they're splitting the right-wing vote between them when a winner on the right faces Mitt alone who do you predict will get the nomination?
The Popular Front received 4,654,116 votes compared to the opponent combined right-wing vote of 4,503,524 votes.
The splitting of the right-wing vote contributed to Liberal victories in the 1993 federal election, 1997 federal election and the 2000 election.
But its power to obstruct, to split the right-wing vote, is enormous.
"This is an extreme right-wing vote," a senior official said.
It was widely feared that, under such circumstances, Duke could syphon off sufficient right-wing votes to cause Bush's defeat in several crucial states.
Without them to split the right-wing vote in the primaries, a social liberal like you may be doomed.