There are a lot of nice, right-thinking people who work for it.
Instead, they should be left to the individual action of right-thinking people (corporate executives, gun owners).
I fully understand that some of what was reported in the original article is deeply offensive to all right-thinking people.
First it recognizes that all right-thinking people of goodwill do not hold the same moral vision.
I never join all right-thinking people if I can sneak around them without being seen.
It is the job of right-thinking people to bring order from chaos .
"But through right-thinking people in the academy, we kept him off their list and out of the election."
The ambiguous 'we' suggests a universal interest shared by all right-thinking people.
Let me tell you, we need more right-thinking young people like yourselves in the universities.
This means that it would tend to lower them in the estimation of right-thinking people generally.