The towering drive landed about 10 feet to the left of the right-field foul pole.
Next to the right-field foul pole today was a sign that said, "921," as in 921 days until the new ball park is ready.
Rance Mulliniks hit a home run just beyond the right-field foul pole in the second.
"We were sitting by the right-field foul pole," he said, pointing across the stadium.
Bonds led off the Giants' ninth with a 370-foot drive into the screen extending from the right-field foul pole.
Belle's 16th home run hit the right-field foul pole.
The batter hits a long fly ball near the right-field foul pole.
He led off the seventh by hitting a cut fastball past the right-field pole, just foul.
But a ball that Chris Jones seemed to hit off the right-field foul pole was not ruled a home run.
Iguchi spent most of the game shivering by the right-field foul pole, and did not last nine innings.