I'm watching online, though I reserve the right to watch it dubbed in Russian, which I don't speak, on the satellite cable.
You get the rights to watch the thing as often as you like, and to show it to groups as large as 30.
A human rights watch report notes that journalists and human rights activists have been arrested for reporting on human rights abuses.
He had no right to watch her, even if he had made her his wife that very day.
"I got the right, you watch that dark door . . . ." The sergeant's voice.
In 1978, Harper and Row leased its rights to Their Eyes Were Watching God to the University of Illinois Press.
The mass arrests have, in fact, deprived of their leadership the political opposition and the local human rights watch organisations challenging the patently fraudulent election.
This group, which was officially registered with the Belgian government in 1989, published a human rights watch newspaper in French entitled Droits de l'homme sans frontières.
He also helped to set up AIDA, an international human rights watch group for artists.
Schulweis founded the Jewish World Watch, a human rights watch group.