The city of Houston reserves the right to change, modify, increase or terminate any benefits.
On termination of this Agreement all rights and obligations of the parties shall terminate.
However, both the license and the right to use the Program terminate automatically if you violate any part of this Agreement.
In addition, both countries reserve the right to terminate the agreement on three months' notice, half the notification period of most previous arms control treaties.
Drag-along rights typically terminate upon an initial public offering.
The right to register as an Irish citizen terminates at the third generation (except as noted above).
"The court has concluded that the act threatens a woman's constitutional right to terminate her pregnancy," the judge wrote in her 48-page decision.
The court ruled that any rights of publicity, and rights to his image, terminated with Lugosi's death.
First, they claim the right to terminate you if you are shown to have committed a felony on the job.
In addition, both counties reserve the right to terminate the agreement on a short time frame, just three months' notice - half the ordinary notification period.