Before Lugworm could voice his thanks, the blade was in his face, its point almost tickling his right eyeball.
He also received approximately 400 stitches to his face (including three in his right eyeball) before finally adopting a protective facemask in 1962.
Shoot you in the right eyeball?
He put the fellow away with a .38 slug into the right eyeball, which popped like a grape pierced by a javelin.
He held the tip of his sword a millimetre from Invalid's right eyeball.
Then he pulled down the lower lid of his eye and rocked the convex lens in over the front of his right eyeball.
The large-barreled Uzi went to his right eyeball.
Stark rammed it forward and it split Chatterton's right eyeball with an audible pop.
Especially when one of the Heechee held a knife with its extremely sharp point almost touching Stan's right eyeball and tugged him toward the exit.
In an instant Floaty's throw had plunged two inches worth of shuriken into the guard's right eyeball, nicking the fore-brain.