The company's belief in growth from within ensures that, once the right calibre of personnel has been recruited, the opportunities for personal development within the company are enormous.
A spokesman for Lothian Health Board said last night that an appropriate salary package was needed to attract the right calibre of staff.
Are there enough people of the right calibre?
Dunfield thought the government lacked the right calibre of officials, with the right training to work successfully with Williams the businessperson.
How can that ever be considered by so by an out going Chief Secretary to the Treasury who is competent and of the right calibre?
Only then would persons of the right calibre be attracted to serve in it.
Only do this where you think there may actually be someone of the right calibre available.
This adds to the importance of investing in the development of managers of the right calibre.
Or it may need to employ staff, and a statement that it engages in discriminatory employment practices may potentially affect its ability to attract staff of the right calibre.
The biggest single challenge above all else is getting the right calibre of people, who have the right motivation to work for you.