These new proposed rules take patients' rights seriously and still allow the experiments to go forward.
People live in the park, but ancient rights of way allow you to cross private land.
The right would allow him to buy a share at $80, putting his total cost at $89.75.
The right to a referendum merely allows citizens who are not members of the smoky backroom group to place a question on the ballot.
You have the the right to allow the religious crazies dominate the debate.
These rights (on which he insisted), allowed him the right to hunt over great parts of the Elm.
The proprietary rights of the author allow him or her to exploit the work for financial gain.
In Roman law, a right or privilege allowed to the parent of three or more children.
The right of peoples and countries to feed themselves with local, healthy products should allow them to take protectionist measures when necessary.
He said these rights would allow the company to add extra floors to existing buildings to produce new space.