Anyone else zoom out and see how ridiculously huge Alaska is?
It was this ridiculously huge, ruffled, Desi Arnaz, Babaloo thing.
Her shirt felt ridiculously huge, the sleeves swamping her hands.
Stinkoman has no thumbs, big robot boots, a mouth that is tiny when closed but "ridiculously huge" when open, blue hair ("Gotta have blue hair!")
I'm a ridiculously huge fan of the EastEnders Christmas Day episodes, purely for how unstoppably depressing they are.
I managed to pass behind some tall screens on which those ridiculously huge contemporary paintings, works of the utmost nullity, were hung, and crept cautiously round a group of cranky statues.
Card's lets pull the trigger on this now, before some other team gives him a ridiculously huge deal just to keep him out of Busch Stadium.
"We were given a ridiculously huge piece of work to do in a very small amount of time," said Jeanne Goldberg, an assistant professor of nutrition at Tufts University, who was the principal investigator on the project.
I also love playing videogames - my games collection is ridiculously huge.
C Map The extravagant North African décor, the centrepiece a ridiculously huge Moroccan teapot, makes this a suitable place to tuck into delicious tagine and couscous.