It needs somebody to grow a ridiculous number of Easter lilies.
Granted, I'm only using U1 as a reference point, but in that game there was an entirely ridiculous number of enemies.
It just adds a ridiculous number of entries to the browser history.
Then more lights - a lot of lights, a ridiculous number - in his eyes.
That's still QB1 worthy in 12-teamers, but far from the ridiculous numbers owners have become accustomed to.
It took me a ridiculous number of seconds to remember how to take in air by mouth.
Then throw in the fact that there are a ridiculous number of very likely habitable planets, and things get really interesting!
Also, there are a ridiculous number of variables here.
I have a ridiculous number of cd's but there is nothing like the vinyl sound!
For decades, a ridiculous number of people died in car crashes.