A delightfully ridiculous old man, he invents many ridiculous items, and then proceeds to have no purpose for them.
And when he tallied the things he had lost, there was one, foolish, ridiculous item that always topped the list.
Upon closer inspection, however, the screen was not exactly boss safe, being populated with order info on rather ridiculous adult items, including an "inflatable milkman".
Now I shrugged it off my shoulders and attacked the screws that held the monstrous bell onto the loops of silver tubing, wondering once again where they had found such a ridiculous item.
You're spending your money on ridiculous items.
The most ridiculous item at the Workshop: a set of "flame press on nails" that carries a $225 price tag.
On his first day on the job, Peter dismisses the entire board of directors for being unable to keep up with his ideas and hires his friends to manufacture ridiculous items.
Why don't they slip in ridiculous items or funny descriptions?
Zorak's Poetry Beat - Series of poems told by Zorak involving ridiculous items and some of the lyrics don't even make sense.
Thank you for caring," said Neymar on Twitter, providing the image above as evidence of such a ridiculous item.