In a way, the highway crosses the Divide twice, since two ridges of the Rocky Mountains split in Wyoming, forming the Great Divide Basin, from which surface water cannot drain, but can only evaporate.
It's a long walk to Meall Corranaich and just before the top, the ridge splits away to the west which causes some confusion in poor visibility.
The ground is normally ridged, the tubers are planted in the furrows and the ridges are then 'split' to cover them.
By 10,000 years ago, the ridge had split again into two domes moving away from each other.
Munzke predicted that our ridge would very likely split an avalanche from above onto the flanks on either side, and assured me if I just breathed a bit more slowly everything would be fine.
The ridge splits in two, sending one arm around each side of Rampsgill and the Martindale valley system of which this forms part.
This ridge then splits into two arms about the head of Greenburn, the southern branch running on to Gibson Knott and Helm Crag.
Bifurcations are points at which a single ridge splits into two ridges.
The rocky fall into the head of Glencoyne prevents further eastward progress and the ridge splits into two, flanking the valley to north and south.