Three ridges descend the western slopes of the mountain and provide access to the summit.
Ahead of the quilon the ridge descended, then rose again to a level he thought she could navigate.
Two prominent ridges descend from each serration towards the front down the sides of the tooth.
The northern ridge descends to the valley of the Baddoch Burn.
A broad ridge also descends south from the Caudale Moor top.
Two ridges descend from the tip of each cusp to the lingual and labial sides.
While the town originally formed on the ridge descending from the Castle Rock, the modern city is often said to be built on seven hills.
This island has a sheer wall 35 metres deep which is followed by a stepped ridge descending to 45 metres.
The ridge on top descends into the Delimbyr Valley.
The ridge rises to c.2400 m west of Mount Terror, but descends to 1320 m at the north end.