The pan's ridges, called riffles, helped keep the heavier pieces from washing away.
The surface of the formation has been eroded by the wind into a series of linear ridges called yardangs.
The formation is coated with dust and contains wind-carved ridges called yardangs.
By the afternoon of the second day, they were climbing up to the narrow ridge called Devil's Backbone.
The inside of the nose has ridges called turbinates.
It is just west of the highest point on the ridge, called Goat Citadel.
At their closest point (a rocky ridge called The Neck), the lakes are only 1000 metres apart.
Corduroy is made by weaving extra sets of fiber into the base fabric to form vertical ridges called wales.
Between these two peaks, there lies a low ridge, called Brakfontein, and a small detached hill named Vaalkranz.
The ridge, called 'Bucktooth Ridge,' is 2375 feet in elevation.