But high ridership levels are also necessary simply to keep the bus system workable.
However, this proposed service is controversial due to disputes over projected costs and ridership levels.
Headways have an enormous impact on ridership levels above a certain critical waiting time.
During this time, ridership levels for the fixed-route system have grown from around 400,000 passengers in 2003 to over 2 million riders per year.
The corridor will most likely be bus rapid transit due to low ridership levels.
The service, which was projected to have a daily ridership level of 27,000, fell far short of that goal.
However, subways were expensive to build and demand high ridership levels in order to justify their capital costs.
Rather than cut back service to the edge of town, the company decided that ridership levels were insufficient to continue passenger operation.
The fare change increased ridership levels but decreased cash flow.
California Ave. Station is served by few trains compared to those of similar ridership levels.