Now the weather was clear and fine, but Regis rode with his head down, ignoring the bright day.
He rode with his head down, clinging desperately to his saddle.
In the car, he loved to ride with his head on my shoulder, as if navigating.
Kernetsikov was riding in the lead tank with his head out of a forward hatch.
Kearton was riding with his head sunk on his chest like a sick man.
She rode with her head on my shoulder, hardly saying a word; pretty well at peace with the world.
I ride bent over with my head resting on the horse's mane.
He rode with his head high, listening to the distant cheers of his victors.
Driving, riding, along a desert road, with her head slumped on a shoulder that gave her, oh, such a marvelous feeling of security.
But you've been riding it backward with your head to the tail.