He was still blindfolded cargo, riding along on the sled.
A shell from this gun sounded like nothing so much as a man riding along on a bicycle and whistling.
He personally accompanied the group, riding along on the lead tank, and commanded them in the successful capture of the battery.
She got British pilots to let her ride along on night bombing raids over Germany.
The dream had started nice, with him riding along on the point of a herd of cattle.
He was riding along on a jet ski out of the harbor with a friend's father one day recently.
And riding along on the crest of the A 48, join us in part two.
Now here's a guy by the name of Saul riding along on a horse.
Small enough to fit in a "pocket" or saddlebag, they rode along on the hunt.
It was another to ride along on the outskirts of it, seemingly never to come to the end.