Smiling, he decided the rickety vehicle made him feel strangely at home.
Riding a rickety vehicle to glory is another, and that is what Ms. Voigt is venturing in "Ägyptische Helena."
"While it looks like the coalition of 10 is in the driver's seat, it's a very rickety vehicle they're driving," he said.
The commission plans to knock 3,000 older cabs off the road by August and hopes customers will notice they are no longer banging across New York's streets in rickety vehicles.
There was a time when everyone was making rickety vehicles from old rollerskates and fruit cartons.
He realizes for the first time how much courage was required to make their journey in those rickety vehicles, trusting their lives to the health and stamina of dray horses.
The New York Times said it was "a rickety vehicle for Jason Alexander."
With all the rest of the gang I got into the rickety old crew-rescue vehicle that had been berthed at Starlab since the last time any astronomer visited it.
It was uphill work and the pony had done three hours' work already, dragging the rickety vehicle along muddy roads.
Jim Ridley of The Village Voice called the movie a "rickety vehicle that travels mostly downhill" and a "Sundance clunker."