I'd have to strike another rich pocket before I could afford a ranch.
Now then," said Cugel, "you will be happy to learn that I have dredged into a rich pocket of scales.
Over the next few years the Kings, despite the rich pockets of private owner Mike Wrublewski, earned a reputation for being chronic under-achievers.
Famous folks from renowned New York suburbs (known for some of the richest pockets in the nation) came to Expression unltd.
Furthermore this mixture is prepared such that when combustion occurs there are fewer rich pockets thus reducing the tendency for soot formation.
A rich pocket had been struck during the day, and the striker was standing treat in a lavish and promiscuous fashion which had reduced three parts of the settlement to a state of wild intoxication.
We were engaged to each other, Frank and I; but then one day father struck a rich pocket and made a pile, while poor Frank here had a claim that petered out and came to nothing.
He was always like one of his own gold-miners who struck a rich pocket, but found no continuous reef.
Ricker had been a clever man, and his network spread all over the planet, and off, with rich pockets of weapons and illegals running among other business ventures.
Although small geographically, this stunning destination contains the richest pockets of biodiversity in Australia, if not the world.