Certainly Persian literature and art give us the richest accounts of polo in antiquity.
"The result is an extraordinarily rich and interesting" account by a "completely democratic human being," Katherine Woods wrote in the Book Review in 1936.
The result is an extraordinarily rich account of many complex projects, written with historical sympathy and feet-on-the-ground knowledge.
But after taking account of the dodges, loopholes and shelters, rich and poor paid about the same proportion of their income to Washington.
And they provided rich accounts about the smells, sights and sounds that accompanied the deaths they witnessed.
Gemelli Careri provides rich accounts of seventeenth-century civilization outside of Europe.
Videos today provide sailors and would-be sailors with a rich visual account of life at sea under real circumstances.
The book's historically rich account of building at the Museum of Modern Art will not bring cheer on West 53d Street.
Saturday's cast gave a full, rich account of this difficult ballet.
But also cultural history: a rich account of the importance of Hull as a whaling port.