Populations of weedy rice are found in many rice-growing regions.
About 10,000 square kilometers of the delta are under rice cultivation, making the area one of the major rice-growing regions of the world.
The area was known for its fertile soil, which had made it a rich rice-growing region.
There are also a large number of paddy fields, and popular seasonal fruit like watermelon, as this is a major rice-growing region in Japan.
A day in Rwanda's rice-growing region is a reminder that not every Hutu is a killer or a refugee.
It is an important rice-growing region.
The cultivation of rice was introduced during the 1690s via Africans from the rice-growing regions of Africa.
The delta of Kuban is an important rice-growing region of Russia.
African slaves from rice-growing regions created the works.
It forms the center of the island's most important rice-growing region.