When the rice has cooked eight minutes, add the mushrooms.
Remember that the rice must cook gently.
If you prefer the rice cooked more, just add more liquid.
The water level should be a knuckle above the rice, then the heat is decreased until the rice has cooked.
When rice has cooked for 15 minutes, it will be damp and not very fluffy.
Add the asparagus tips after the rice has cooked for about 12 minutes, and continue adding the broth, one-half cup at a time, stirring frequently.
The dish is finished when the rice has cooked.
The rice, added last, should cook long enough to absorb the dark liquid and still remain al dente.
Takikomi-gohan, or rice cooked with other ingredients mixed in, changes with the season.
When rice has cooked for 35 minutes, place broccoli on top of rice (don't stir).