It so happens that each ribosomal gene possesses a signal that orders its own replication.
To help the cell make ribosomes quickly, one of these ribosomal genes exists in a string of multiple copies.
This has clearly been the case for histones and ribosomal RNA genes.
DNA sequencing of the ribosomal genes corrected the characterization.
Interestingly, we also observed up-regulation of S-phase genes, as well as ribosomal genes involved in translation.
Every so often, one of the ribosomal genes accidentally pinches off from its chromosome and forms a circle of DNA.
These "ecotypes" can be differentiated on the basis of the sequence of their ribosomal RNA gene.
Their ribosomal RNA genes are 96.3% identical.
Few genes, myeloid cell leukemia (Bcl-2 related protein) and a ribosomal gene, were detected to be down-regulated during the tubular to filamentous transition.
The parthenogenesis/incompatibility group is divided into two subgroups that differ consistently from each other at 15 positions over 1,464 bases of the almost complete 16S ribosomal gene.